IoT will be the new concept of new world to connect together, sensor will be the core to make it happen, and demand of the sensors will get more and more. Authority associates estimated that sensor market will grow by 8% year of year in next years, and reach 0.3 trillion USD in 2028

Services Apply To
Polygon had accumulated many years experience in high precison components manufacturing for position, speed, pressure and appliance sensors, and provide total manufacturing solution for customer in this industry for tool design, fabriction and production.
Automotive Sensor
Be applicalbe for sensor precison
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly

Industrial Sensor
Be applicalbe for sensor precison
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly

Medical Sensor
Be applicalbe for sensor precison
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly

Appliance Sensor
Be applicalbe for sensor precison
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly
components manufacturing solution
*Plastic tool
*Stamping die
*Automatic Assembly